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Do I qualify for a Lifetime Mortgage

You will usually qualify for an Lifetime Mortgage if:
- You and your partner are aged above 55
- You own a home which is worth at least £70,000.
- If you have a mortgage, it is small enough to be fully repaid by the equity release scheme.

How much cash would be available to me?

This depends on your age, property value and the type of equity release scheme. For example, an interest only mortgage will normally allow you to raise up to 75% of the property value. A Roll Up mortgage will allow you to raise between 25% and 57% of the property value however the percentage will be restricted by the youngest applicant. A Home Reversion plan would allow you to sell a share in your property of between 30% and 100% in exchange for a discounted (or non-discounted) sum of money. The older you are when you take out any plan, the more you will receive.

Can I move home in the future?

Yes, however your new property will need to be approved by the plan provider, and they will have their own set of terms to be met. 


Would my state benefits be affected?

Releasing cash from your home could affect your entitlement to state benefits. Means tested benefits such as Pension Credit, Council Tax benefit and some health benefits like free prescriptions. Capital held in savings, or an increased income could affect these benefits. We will tell you if releasing capital from your home is likely to affect any state benefits that you receive.


 What happens if the value of my house changes?

If the value of your home should fall you would be protected by a 'no negative equity' guarantee which ensures that you would never owe more than the value of your home. If house prices rise you would benefit unless you had transferred 100% of your property under a home reversion plan.


Will my children or grandchildren end up with debts?

No. Any Lifetime Mortgage that we recommend will come with a no negative equity guarantee so you would never owe more than the value of your home.


What happens if I want to repay my loan?

Equity Release schemes are not designed to be repaid until the death of the last surviving borrower or exit into long term care. Early repayment charges may apply on lifetime mortgages if you repay the loan before this time. Home Reversion plans would be very expensive to reverse as you would have to repay the full market value of the share of the property transferred under the scheme.


Can I purchase a property with an equity release plan?

Yes. It is also possible to release equity and buy a 2nd property and still live in the property on which the lifetime mortgage has been arranged.


Can I release equity from a retirement property or a But to Let property?

Yes, it is possible to release equity from a retirement home and a Buy to Let property


I have already taken out an equity release plan, can I release more cash?

Possibly. It depends on the type of plan and the amount you have already released as well as the equity remaining in your property and your age. We can advise you whether a top up would be available on your existing equity release scheme or by switching you existing plan to a new provider.


How long will it take to release cash after applying for an equity release plan?

It normally takes between 6 and 12 weeks from the application stage to completion when you will receive your capital.


How will the value of my property be assessed?

Your property will be valued by an independent chartered surveyor to ascertain the true value of your property. The equity release provider will usually arrange the valuation by the surveyor.


If you have a question you would like to ask, feel free to call us on 01243 265 413 or 07590691 119 or email


This is a Lifetime Mortgage. These are only applicable to those 55 and over, and it could affect eligibility to state means-tested benefits and the inheritance you may leave. To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration.


Equity release includes Lifetime Mortgages and Home Reversion Schemes. We can advise and arrange Lifetime Mortgages and will refer to an approved specialist for Home Reversion schemes.

Mortgage and Protection Advice Centre Ltd is an appointed representative of Hl Partnership Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


Mortgage and Protection Advice Centre Ltd are registered in England and Wales with company number 13395365. Registered Office: 11 Sefton Avenue, Bognor Regis, England, PO21 3BP


There may be a fee for mortgage advice. The precise amount of the fee will depend upon your circumstances but will range from £495 payable at outset for mortgages to £950 payable on completion for Lifetime Mortgages, but this will be discussed and agreed with you at the earliest opportunity


The information contained in this website is subject to UK regulatory regime and is therefore intended for consumers in the UK

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