Equity release plans can provide many benefits in retirement.
However, equity release is not suitable for everyone and you should
consider the alternatives first. For a full list of alternatives that should be
considered first, please contact us.
We also recommend you involve other family members as much
as possible. We will be happy to discuss our recommendations
with other members of your family so that the everyone understands
the benefits, features and any risks.
Equity release plans will affect the value of your estate. In some
cases, taking out an equity release plan may affect any State
Benefits you receive.
For these reasons, take advice from a specialist adviser first to
ensure that you do not end up regretting your choice.
We offer a full advice and recommendation
service. We offer a free of charge, no-obligation, initial consultation
with an impartial specialist adviser so that you can find out how much
cash you could release and whether a plan would be suitable for
you. We will only charge a fee for our service if your equity release
plan competes and can be paid from the capital released to you. Our fee
is £950
This is a Lifetime Mortgage. These are only applicable to those 55 and over, and it could affect eligibility to state means-tested benefits and the inheritance you may leave. To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration.